Wolf-Bytes: The Wolfenstein 3D Newsletter For Rabid Wolfers ================================Issue #2, October 15th 2004 ::Contents::::::::.. ==================== 1. Foreward: Help Wanted 2. Mod Review: The Final Solution 3. Wolf-Bytes Interview: ZuljinRaynor 4. Featured Mod Of The Month 5. Retrogame Retrospective: Operation Body Count 6. WWW: World Wide Wolfenstein 7. Epilogue ::FOREWARD!:::.. ================ There is a new Wolf-Bytes website, just in case you didn't notice. It is located at http://www.wolf-bytes.tk . I will be providing the backissues of Wolf-Bytes there, along with detailed information about all the past issues so you can find the info you need right when you want it. Wolf-Bytes needs you! If you are interested in a full-time job as a writer for Wolf-Bytes, drop me a line at wolfbytes@mail.com. I'm looking for people who would like to write reviews for mods and sites, as well as all the other sections each month. Doing the whole thing by myself takes a long time and is a lot of hard work. Plus, I'd like to have something cool to read by you, too, so help me make this an enjoyable experience and keep the content more varied. Ian Franken, Editor, Wolf-Bytes ::REVIEW CENTER - The Final Solution::::.. ========================================== Note: Due to personal priorities and lack of time, Xarkon was unable to contribute to this issue of Wolf-Bytes and I had to fill in on reviews. Xarkon should return next issue to do more reviews. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Final Solution is Tristan van Putten's first Wolf-mod. You know him as the designer and co-maintainer of The Wolf3D Dome (http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/). There are two versions of this game available for download, version 2.0 and a version 3.0 Beta that was never finished. Although v3.0 has more features such as new music, slightly different levels, different graphics and code mods, I recommend you download and play v2.0 because it's a lot more stable and thus a more enjoyable experience. If and when Tristan ever finishes TFS 3.0, it would be a pretty good game. The storyline is basically the same as Episode 2 of the original Wolf3D; you are B.J. Blazkowicz, the bad boy of espionage, out to exterminate the diabolical Dr. Schabbs and his army of undead mutant killing machines and whoever stands in your way. The level design flows well and is never too difficult or too easy. Tristan's mapping style is slightly reminiscent of BJ Rowan's classic Totengraeber, so if you liked Toten you ought to enjoy these levels which are a bit smaller and less complex in some ways. Graphically, I would have liked to have have seen something different. Most of these graphics we've seen before in games like WolfenDOOM and Lost Episodes, and there's nothing that really stands out for me in v2.0 as a result. The v3.0 Beta has more original graphics by Tristan, plus some cool slick VGA art, but I wasn't really able to play it too long without the game crashing or glitching on me (I guess that's why they call it a BETA, eh?). My complaints are pretty much the same in the sound department, since most of these sounds I've heard in other games like Totengraeber before. At least the music selections from Wolf and Spear are cool and fit the levels well. In the engine department, things are pretty cool: Seamless level progression, two new keys, new items from Spear of Destiny, and some other fine tweaking that isn't anything too over-the-top. If you're into major code tweaks, this game might appear boring to you in this area. Fans of the original Wolf3D, though, ought to feel pretty much at home, and I like that. Other perks include a well-written and detailed manual and some well-made VGA graphics that maintain the original look and feel of Wolf3D while polishing up the rough spots. Despite a few minor faults, TFS isn't a bad game from a levels perspective and is a fun game to pass the time with, and I'd recommend it if you enjoy oldschool Wolfenstein TCs with a strong attachment to the past . Hey, my name even appears in the "Special Thanks" file included with the 3.0 Beta! How the hell did that happen? I can't remember... -Ian Franken ::WOLF-BYTES INTERVIEW - Trolling around with ZuljinRaynor:::::::::.. ======================================================== ZuljinRaynor is the author of the upcoming mod Spear Doomsday, a very promising looking game with a lot of cool features. His goal is to create something that retains the classic atmosphere of Spear of Destiny while still pushing forward into the future of Wolf modding. In this interview, Zuljin talks about SDD, Wolf modding, gaming, what life would be like as a hotdog, and even gives us some Polish lessons while we await Doomsday... Q = Question ZR = ZuljinRaynor Q: Could you tell us a bit about Spear Doomsday ? What inspired you to start up this mod ? ZR: Well, actually this is a long story. I first played Wolfenstein 3-D in 1995. I was a kid, so I got into this game. The first thing was when my dad played it "Grasz jako Polak," "You play as a Polish man." This was because of course Blazkowicz is a Polish name. (Thank you id for the only game to have a Polish background for a character.) Eventually I got Spear of Destiny. Then in '97 it was lost, Spear of Destiny gone. My brother by acciedent deleted it. So I went to other games that were rated too high for my age level, like Duke Nukem 3D. I went looking for Wolfenstein Mods. I first found WolfenDoom, the Doom2 mod. I had to get rid of it because of my computer upgrade. Last Christmas a lot happened. It so happened that my dad always had SoD still, he just kept it hidden, and now I got it back. I got Doom 1 and some other games also. So, I go looking for Doom patches and stuff like that. I got Doom2 re-installed after many error attempts. Now I went looking for Wolfendoom but found another one.... by Areyep. So that is the hello to the community which I always was a part of. The mod known as Spear Resurrection inspired me to make my own SoD sequal. I liked SR but I thought I could make a mod based on the story. At first I wanted it to sequel SoD and then prequal SR. But I never talked to Areyep so this was dropped in the earlier stages. Now Spear Doomsday is my first ever mod for anything and I hope it will be one that can be called good. Q: What new features are going to be in Spear Doomsday ? ZR: Well, the engine used for SDD is known as "SolidSpear Version1.0" and it will feature textured floor and cielings, more guns, the spear as a weapon (OMG!), a silenced Sten that overheats (thank you so much WSJ!), and new enemies. Q: What is your goal with SDD ? Are you shooting for something pretty traditional in feel, or are you going for something a little more different and unique ? ZR: SDD is to keep the old Wolf feel with new additions. I also am hoping to add more story additions. There will be "scripted cutscenes" which are more like you are reading a book. This will be in between levels. This is for those who like a story in the game. This can play a big role. I know this will be unique and I also hope to add journals. Meaning, you pick up a journal and you press J to open a menu. This menu lets you choose the journals you have to read. I need help in this though. Q: Who's helping you out with the game ? ZR: Well, it is really a solo project. I got help from the Dome, MCS, and DHWs for coding help. Adam Biser is my real big partner, for he provides WDC. So far my brother has made two maps. Also, Areyep gave me permission to use SR graphics. Sockman and Sockdude might help in the future. Q: What is the SolidSpear engine exactly ? Will you release the source code to the community after SDD's release ? ZR: SolidSpear is a hint at my mods. The source for Version 1.0 will be realeased probably with the Spear Doomsday Special Edition. This will run on version 1.5 which will have something from version 2.0. "Solid" comes from Metal Gear Solid and Solid Snake. "Spear" since it as SoD modification. Why Solid? MGS for the PlayStation 1/PC was basic compared to the GameCube remake, The Twin Snakes. Of course this is using the MGS2 engine but still, we see a huge advancement. That is why Solid is there. SolidSpear is my attempt at making a more advanced Wolfenstein engine, and the overheating sten is an example. Q: What is it about editing Wolf3D that appeals to you ? ZR: The simplicity and the fact that coding is fun. I want to make games in the future, yet I'm no coder. Looking at the code helps motivate me. Editing the inside also shows how a old '92 shooter can surpass a '02 shooter. Q: How far along is SDD ? What else needs to be done ? Also, are you looking for any beta testers ? ZR: SDD is 40-50% done. I need really maps and graphics and minor code changes. Yes I am looking for beta testers, and I hope you can be one. So far, I think Sockman and Sockdude will test it along with my best friend Saladin SnakeX. Q: Why do you think Wolf3D still has such a loyal following after all these years ? ZR: Wolf3d is a sensation. No game will beat it. Doom 3 is a sensation yet Wolf is still a bigger one. Without Wolf, Doom 3 would not exist. I will be a Wolfer to the end. Q: What are your favorite add-ons / Wolf mods ? ZR: My favorite mods would include Operation: Letzterschutz by Majik Monkee, Coming of the Storm by WSJ. These both keep the old Wolf feel and yet they make it a good new experience. They are planned out nicely. Q: You seem to be a pretty big gaming fan. Why do you still play Wolf3D after all these years when you could be playing something more advanced instead ? ZR: Well, I do play advanced stuff but Wolf is just the best game ever. That is why I play it. Doom3, Far Cry, and others like that are worse than Wolf3d. That is all. Q: Besides getting SDD out the door, what other upcoming mods / add-ons are you looking forward to from the community ? ZR: Well, I was looking forward to End of Destiny but all the hype has killed my interest in it. I still wanna play it, it is just not that much. I am looking forward to Trench Warfare 'cause it looks nice, and prehaps a Majik Monkee mod or a WSJ. I am also looking forward to the Sock Brothers' Wolfback and their other game which I titled but I am not going to give the title away. Q: Now here's a personal question: Although you live in America, you're originally from Poland, right ? How'd you wind up on the other side of the pond ? (This sort of thing always interests me, actually) ZR: My dad's job was working in PZM, the Polish Steamshipping Company. They worked with Bay Ocean in America so we came here. First it was to be for a short time. But it got longer until we could no longer come back to Poland forever. So now I'm in high school and probably going to say in the USA forever. But then the Bay Ocean Company was closing out (2001) so you can guess what happened. But now my dad works in LISCR. So I still live in NJ. I still go to school. Poland still is the best! POLSKA JEST NUMER JEDEN!!! Q: If you were a hotdog, and you were starving to death, would you eat yourself ? ZR: Umm... I personally don't like hotdogs. But starving as a hot dog? I wouldn't be starving. So, I would be living!! I am alive!! Q: Any last words, Zuljin, for all the rabid Wolfers out there ? (Also, could you write them in Polish, too ? Smile ) ZR: Yes. Good... and bad words. First the bad: I would like to see more mods that are actually worked out and have good status bars (lol). I really want to see more TC-ish stuff, not use the old Wolf3d. The Good words are: Keep Wolfing and don't give up on Wolf! It is just as good as UT, Doom 3, Far Cry... It is the best game. "Wilki! Grajcie dalej!" (Wolves! Play some more!) For more information on Spear Doomsday, visit ZuljinRaynor's site: http://zuljinraynortrollcity.bravehost.com/ Interested in Beta testing? Contact ZuljinRaynor: zuljinraynor@gmail.com ::FEATURED MOD: HALLS OF STONEHENGE by Majik Monkee:::.. ======================================================== Since it's October, the month of my favorite holiday Halloween, I thought Halls of Stonehenge would be a good choice. With a game where you kill giant spiders, satanic Nazi monks and face off with demons, what's more appropriate? Though I've yet to beat the whole thing, I like what I see: Great level design, a highly original storyline and some cool engine modifications like textured floors and ceilings. This one totally breaks away from the original Wolfenstein 3D feel and establishes a totally new universe with its own atmosphere and feel. Most of the graphics are borrowed from games like Blood, Doom and Hexen, but they somehow actually work well here (it reminds me of AReyeP's WolfenDOOM in that regard). If you haven't played this one, give it a shot. Halls of Stonehenge is made by Majik Monkee with help from level-master ack, code gurus MCS and BrotherTank with some fine tweaking from the insane Chris Chokan, plus many others. Halls of Stonehenge can be downloaded from the Official HoS site here, along with the game manual (a hefty, very thorough document!): http://www.angelfire.com/droid/majikmonkee/home.html Check out issue #1 for an interview with Majik Monkee himself, available at the Wolf-Bytes site: http://www.wolf-bytes.tk/ ::RETROGAME RETROSPECTIVE: Operation Body Count:::.. ==================================================== Operation Body Count. Yuck. Generally referred to as Capstone's infamous failure, it's not a very good game and is generally not too popular among Wolfers due to a poor storyline and ugly graphics. If you can scrape the crap off the surface of this game, though, there are some redeeming features here. Particularly, the engine is very impressive, considering this is the same clunky 16-bit code you played Wolf3D with. With features such as a genuinely fun multi-player function, AI bots you can control, several nifty weapons of mass destruction and an interactive environment, it actually manages to hold your interest throughout the game for a while. With an engine this good, it's a crying shame that it wasn't utilized better to make an outstanding piece of work... That's where the Operation Body Count: Remix team comes in. This elite group of Wolfers, headed by ChiefRebelAngel (of the upcoming "Castle Helvete" for Wolf3D), are creating a full-fledged remake of Body Count. Their plan is to create all-new graphics, sounds, levels and maybe even some custom engine tweaks for this ugly duckling. The project is still in the early stages, and is open to contributions from Wolfers all over. Their goal is to make O:BC the game it should have been and to improve the gameplay and storyline as to actually make it enjoyable and something fun. Personally, I think it's a great idea. A lot of Wolf3D's cousins have been overlooked in the mod department. Who knows, we might even start to see mods for games like Blake Stone and Corridor 7, if this keeps up... For more information on Operation: Body Count, check out these sites: The Underdogs: http://www.the-underdogs.org/ Mishran's Corridor 7 Page has some O:BC info: http://corridor7.tripod.com/ For information on the Operation Body Count: Remix project, and to find out how you can help out with the project, check these sites out: Yahoo! Groups: Operation Body Count Remix: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OPBodycount DieHard Wolfers Forums Topic: Operation Bodycount Remix http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com/viewtopic.php?t=2289 For an exclusive interview with ChiefRebelAngel about his Castle Helvete mod, check out Wolf-Bytes Issue #1 at http://www.wolf-bytes.tk/ Visit The Chief's website here: http://www.angelfire.com/comics/derrah ::WORLD WIDE WOLFENSTEIN:::.. ============================= This month's featured site: Colonel Bill's Wolfenstein 3D Add-ons Page This has always been one of my favorite sites to check out. Although it isn't updated too often, it's a great place to go to re-experience the classic Wolfenstein feel. This was probably the first Wolfenstein site I ever went to, which had some of the first add-ons I ever downloaded as well. Colonel Bill's level sets are actually pretty good and are worth a look if you like shareware Wolf sets (the Pac-Man, Alien Wolf and Halloween sets are essentials to your collection, even if you don't like "cartoon" type sets too much). This is one of the oldest Wolfenstein sites (over eight years old!) out there that's still being updated. Be sure to leave your offerings at the Shrine, and while you're there check out the cool trippy Java animation in the "?????" section. Psychedelic! Colonel Bill's Wolfenstein 3D Add-ons Page can be found here: http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/graveyard/801/ ::EPILOGUE:::.. =============== Well, that concludes this issue. Thanks for sitting through it, and thanks for all the great comments and suggestions that have been tossed my way since issue #1. Special thanks goes out to ZuljinRaynor for the interview, especially since I couldn't figure out who to interview for this issue! Keep it up with the feedback, and thanks for the support. See you next issue... -Ian Franken, Editor, Wolf-Bytes Wolf-Bytes is published monthly and is maintained by Ian Franken. You can contact me at: wolfbytes@mail.com regarding this newsletter. Contributions in the form of articles, reviews, etc, are also welcome. For the official Wolf-Bytes website, surf to: http://www.wolf-bytes.tk/