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Short Notice

Published on ModDB Downloads at 2024-07-19.

Short Notice
This is my first mod. 3 floors, original sprites, no story, nothing huge, no coding changes, just plain vanilla stuff. Hope you enjoy. Credits: Gaumenschmaus for some inspiration, testing, guidance, and for the title screen art. TreeSapThief for guidance and testing. JustinJTime for testing.

Patch 2.2 in sight

Published on ModDB Articles at 2024-07-18.

Patch 2.2 in sight
Sail ho! Patch 2.2 is announced with this trailer. The gameplay footage features a start from scratch at level 33 - Spring Woods, the player is hunted in the forest with a dramatic ending.

Bandit at 6 o'clock

Published on ModDB Articles at 2024-07-17.

Bandit at 6 o'clock
MacenWolf 1.26 and another First Encounter mapset. What's not to like?

He's Behined You

Published on ModDB Downloads at 2024-07-17.

He's Behined You
Do you dare look behined? He might already be there...

MacenWolf 1.26 Patch for Third Encounter

Published on ModDB Downloads at 2024-07-17.

MacenWolf 1.26 Patch for Third Encounter
Mostly addind some stuff to the 1994 limits option.


Kreml 3D

Published by Zombie on 2023-10-31.

In these days of Wolf4SDL, LZWolf, and general advancement of modding, projects that exceed the original Wolfenstein 3D in features and scope are reasonably common.

Back in 2003 however, modding using changes to the source code was still in it's infancy. People were still fumbling around discovering things, and major features like floor and ceiling textures were still new.

So when Kreml 3D was announced, it caught immediate interest from the general community.

Reports of whole-system crashes and other instabilities due to FloEdit were not uncommon, which caused a lot of frustration amongst the modding community.

This proved a point of inspiration for many to pursue creating their own programs. Among those people, there were "Ripper" (aka Moritz Kroll) and "Andi" of Chaos Software.

My Grandad

Published by Zombie on 2023-05-10.

When it came to gaming, my Grandad probably had the biggest impact on me as a kid.

I remember being very young and making a trip to his house with my parents and very young brother, only to be blown away by what would now be a fairly "meh" sort of a game compared to nowadays, but I enjoyed thoroughly as one of the first I ever got to play. Beta - One year in

Published by Zombie on 2023-03-16.

It's now been a year since the new, creator-oriented went live, and I am delighted with where we are now.

When Wolfsource (Now first started in 2019, it started with an aim to provide a platform for fans of Wolfenstein 3D and other Wolf3D games to chat and find Wolf3D content. Providing a News Website and a stable Discord, filled a hole that had been present for several years, and was well received.

Also known as -Helvete- or simply Helvete, Castle Helvete was to be an ambitious game by ChiefRebelAngel that teetered on the edge of completion before as is often the case, real life obligations intervene.

Originally announced in July of 2004, ChiefRebelAngel came in strong for his first game announcement, showing off his artistic skills in an unofficial sequel story to Wolfenstein 3D, taking place after the third episode of the game, "Die, Führer, Die!".


A basic RPG-style levelling system

Guide Tags: Intermediate, Coding
Engine(s): DOS, Wolf4SDL 1.9

Many games from all genres take inspiration from RPGs in the form of a "level-up" system. This system typically rewards the player "experience points" for tasks, and gives the player a "level" when a milestone is hit. Each level will generally make the player stronger in some way.

For this guide, we'll be introducing such a system to Wolf3D. By the end you will have a functional but basic system for levelling, where kills will reward experience, and levels will influence the amount of damage weapons do.

Aurora's Art Lectures

Guide Tags: Beginner, Art

In 2022, Art Lectures teaching beginners how to get into spriting and texturing were run by Aurora on the Discord.

For prosperity and access, these lectures have been preserved on

Play the iOS and Java versions of Wolfenstein games on Windows!

Guide Tags: Beginner, General

Wolfenstein 3D and the oft-forgotten Wolfenstein RPG were both available on iOS back in 2009, with a version of Wolfenstein RPG also being available for Java-compatible phones. Unfortunately, neither title was updated to keep up with the operating system's major updates and are no longer available to play normally.

Tips for creating/editing Wolf3D & Spear of Destiny Designs

Guide Tags: Beginner, Getting Started, Mapping

This is a guide released by Warren Buss years ago, and remains a solid starter for learning the foundations of Wolf3D mapping concepts.

You can find the guide in it's original text format here.

sbarprot: Advanced HUD customization in LZWolf

Guide Tags: ECWolf/LZWolf, Intermediate
Engine(s): LZWolf

While latchcfg works in both ECWolf and LZWolf, the latter offers an alternative called sbarprot that allows for advanced statusbar/HUD customization. Using sbarprot, displaying information typically on the statusbar is a lot more flexible than utilizing the latchcfg method.

This guide will take you through how sbarprot works, and some example changes that can be made using it.