Aurora's Colossal Resource Pack
Submitted by Aurora

This pack contains thousands of sprites and game textures for World War II, sci-fi, and modern urban themes, indoors and outdoors alike.
All textures are 64x64 and stored as 24-bit full color PNG, and 256-color BMPs clamped to the palettes of various games like Wolfenstein 3D, Blake Stone, Doom, and Duke Nukem 3D.
Feel free to tweak the textures to suit your own purposes, cut and paste them into other graphics, and generally use them in whatever way you desire. I would appreciate it if you credited me for my work, but if you only use a couple of resources here and there, I do not care all that much.
If you find any errors, stray pixels, or spot ugly stuff, you may fix that or notify me (Aurora). If you do fixes and edits yourself, do send them so I can include them in the next version of the pack.
As a forewarning, there is some nudity and gore included.
Main Author: Aurora
Discord: Aurora#3523
Work on extra texture variants:
* Dunkelschwamm (Soviet soldier, curtain combos)
* Big Guy (wooden/stone wall combos, lit up wall fan)
* DoomJedi (signage & cyrillic translations)
Categorizing and renaming everything in the files:
* Dunkelschwamm
* Justy Zam
* Big Guy
Making Of
All art is drawn in a shaded pixel art style, either hand-drawn completely or using filters and self-written Paint Shop Pro scripts. Some textures were edited from photos or WWII propaganda posters.
Most of the textures were created using Paint Shop Pro 9, with frequent utilization of layers and the Eye Candy 4000 plugins. The 3D perspective and height of some sprites may require slight tweaking to look good in first person 3D.
The majority of the textures were created between April and November of 2019, with an additional sci-fi set created later in February 2021 and August 2022. Originally they were intended for my Wolfenstein 3D total conversion mod called Eastern Front, as of yet unreleased.
For any creative minds feeling inspired, here are a few video tutorials detailing the art creation process:
In addition, I occasionally do digital art lectures on the Discord server. You can find past lectures there archived as separate threads under the #artistry channel.