[OLD] Compiling the Wolf4SDL 1.9 source codeThis guide is for the version of Wolf4SDL that uses SDL1. The current version of Wolf4SDL utilizes SDL2, and the guide for setting that up can be found here. |
Compiling the DOS Wolf3D source codeSet up the environment for editing the DOS version of Wolf3D, and making your own nostalgic mod project! |
Compiling the Wolf4SDL Source CodeSet yourself up to make your own Wolf4SDL project, and start implementing interesting custom features in your game! |
Saving Memory in DOSDiscover different ways the community has found to avoid that pesky "Abnormal Program Termination" error when trying to add new features in DOS. |
Enabling High-resolution Textures, Sky Effects and more in Wolf4SDLLearn how to activate the extra features that have been added to Wolf4SDL for modding! |
Building for different versions of Wolf3D and SODSwitch between the base games in the engine, easily! |
Rearranging the status barLearn how to make basic changes to the statusbar in DOS, Wolf4SDL and ECWolf! |
Add a Rocket LauncherRocket launchers are a weapon introduced in the last three episodes of Wolfenstein 3D, but only for Bosses. Let's fix that using Wolf4SDL! |
A basic RPG-style levelling systemAdd a touch of RPG to your Wolf4SDL project by implementing your own experience and levelling system in Wolf4SDL! |
Removing the Lives system from Wolf3D (Beta)Untangle the web of code that makes the Lives system, and either have the game always restart the level on death or have the player instantly lose. |